VISUAL GALLERY || Rebels Culture

Rebels Culture is a fashion brand that surged onto the scene in 2014. All images shot by King Holder. He personally curated all aspects of the brand's marketing strategy from photography, social media, website development, and much more. 

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Featured Media || PROCUSSION

PROCUSSION is an innovative recovery brand that was founded by King Holder. They are the creators of the worlds first dual-head massage gun, and the world's most powerful vibrating massage ball.

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Why All Musicians Should Focus on Marketing and Branding (SITE EXCLUSIVE)

For musicians, creating great music is only part of the equation. In today's digital age, the ability to market and promote your music is just as important as the music itself. Strong marketing strategies and branding can be the key to building a dedicated fan base, driving more streams on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, and ultimately achieving long-term success in the music industry.

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